
See the people who created us

Erich Origen

Chief writer

He is the person who started the comic book and the man responsible for who we are today. Without him, nothing of this would be possible.

Erich is still passionate about the comic book and about writing in general.
He will remain in the leading position as long as needed.

Gan Golan


Co-writer and a friend. He is another person behind the scenes who helped us create something completely unique and something that can stand out from the crowd.

He is still working on the latest ideas and
the latest improvements to the comic book.

Jonathan J Staples


Illustrator or better said the artist. He is a person who made the comic book so special and looks so stunning. He continues to impress us all the time.

Today he is a leading illustrator at the company and
leader of 10 other illustrators who will probably reach the same glory any time soon.

Our comic book

Our comic book is still
one of a kind.

It is able to put a smile on your face every single time when you open the covers.

Learn more